Oral Presentations

Onsite Presentations

Oral presentations given onsite in Brest will be broadcasted live during the symposium.

Online Presentations

As for onsite, oral presentations given online will be broadcasted live during the symposium via a videoconference system. A link to join the videoconference and a best pratice guide will be given to each presenter a few days before the symposium. Tests will also be provided to each presenter a few days before the symposium. Nevertheless, each presenter will be asked to send his/her recorded presentation before the 5th of September 2021, 23:00 UTC. This is just a precautionary measure in case presenters have difficulty sharing it during the videoconference or if the presenter prefers to broadcast the recording due to time zone incompatibilities.

Recording your presentation

The time for a presentation is 12 minutes (25 minutes for keynotes), followed by 3 minutes for Q&A. You can find instructions on how to make a video here.


After the session, the video broadcasted will be available on replay (until 30th September).

Uploading presentation

Please send your video and slides using wetransfer or a similar service to  dsbs21@ifremer.fr before the 5th of September 2021, 23:00 UTC. Please always include your name and your session number in e-mails and file names. This way we can always correctly identify your poster or presentation. The file names should start with the following pattern: 16DSBS_<type>_<SpecialOrGeneral_Session_number><presenter's LASTNAME_Firstname> (where type is poster or oral). For exemple: 16DSBS_Oral_Session2a_DOE_Jane