
  • The BLUEREVOLUTION project (Biodiversity underestimation in our bLUe planEt: artificial intelligence REVOLUTION in benthic taxonomy): it aims to accelerate the description and acquisition of knowledge on benthic habitats, in particular on the infauna considered to be one of the best marine bio-indicators available to assess global environmental changes. The BLUEREVOLUTION project will develop cutting-edge techniques combining imagery and artificial intelligence in order to build (1) open-access reference libraries/data repositories of benthic diversity; (2) fast and reliable tools for environmental and anthropogenic impact assessments and biodiversity surveys.
  • PIONEER : aims at revealing the interactions between microorganisms and nematodes in different extreme marine environments (both coastal and offshore).
  • ANR LuckyScales : aims to acquire, process and model time series in order to better understand the dynamics of hydrothermal ecosystems on ocean ridges.
  • DONVOR  ~ DEEP THOUGTS : born from an artistic and scientific collaboration between Teatr Piba and LEP, the sound theater show Donvor was born, after four years of explorations, in January 2020.
  • UE Atlas : aims to improve the understanding of distribution and diversity patterns as well as biogeochemistry and ecosystem services provided by marine ecosystems in the North Atlantic.
  • UE Merces : evaluate the response of vent faunal assemblage to a significant disturbance using an in situ experiment.
  • ANR Cerberus : ConnEctivity and Resilience of Back-arc Basin hydrothERmal vent commUnitieS.