Event 'Immersion Sciences' 2017

Led by the Academy of Rennes, the Region of Brittany and the CNRS, the Immersion Sciences operation aims to demystify the idea that young people have of scientific careers, in order to make them want to go into these fields after the baccalaureate.

in this context,Jozée Sarrazin, head of the Deep-sea Environment Lab, Marjolaine Matabos and Daniela Zeppilli - Researchers at the LEP - and Pierre-Marie Sarradin - head of the Deep Ecosystems Studies unit - presented their jobs and testified about their careers through conferences and workshops.

On the program:

  • conferences, 
    • Tuesday, March 28, 2017 "Live from the deep sea!" - Mr. Matabos
    • Thursday, March 30, 2017 "For girls and science" - D. Zeppilli
  • "Deep Sea Spy" workshops to discover and participate in the Deep Sea Spy participatory science game
  • a 'Fishing on foot' session to collect meiofauna